Defining Friendships

Unlike what some of these social media sites would have us think, no one has 500 friends! Listen: Every friendship is a relationship, but not every relationship is a friendship. An acquaintance is a more superficial relationship. You don’t feel the need to share your most private thoughts or to divulge all your emotions or desires with this person. You can get together and talk about general things, but you never really get too deep with them. Many times this is the type of person you only see once in a while, and this is probably why you are not that close. 

A friend, however, is someone you can share your most intimate life with. This person is someone you can openly and freely talk to about your fears, doubts, struggles and so on, without being judged or belittled. This person is someone you can count on when your heart is breaking, when you can’t get out but need some groceries or when you have just seen the cutest video and quickly want to share it with them. And of course, this goes both ways. You are available to hear their heartbreaks, run to the store for them or laugh together over a good joke. No judgment. No walking on shells. No having to appease the other person because their feelings are so fragile. Being free with another person is what being a friend is all about. Like Jesus, we each only have a small group around us that we can truly call friends. But there is nothing wrong with this…

<>< Peace, Diane