Designed Specifically

Let’s say it by heart today:

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Eph 2:10 NIV

We were created for upward and outward. When we focus our heart and mind on God, we will automatically do the good works that bless others. These were designed specifically for each of us by our Omniscient God Who knows exactly what we each require, to have a deeper sense of this amazing Abundant Life. And when we obey, on purpose, we reap the rewards of being obedient. And the more we obey, the more beautiful this handiwork of God that we are, both individually and all together, gets. It’s like He adds a colorful paint stroke to His masterpiece, and we get more and more breathtaking. 

Again, these good works do not save us, but they paint a gorgeous picture of our Salvation, as well as the wonderful God Who saved us. Our willful obedience stops the enemy in his tracks and makes the Abundant Life so much more real for us, and hopefully, for those around us. 

Join me in memorizing 52 verses this year:

1- Jn 3:16

2- 2Co 5:17

3- Jas 2:26

4- Eph 2:10

<>< Peace, Diane