Do Not Carry It Alone

Number one: deny yourself

Number two: pick up your cross daily…and on most days, moment by moment! So what is our cross?

Our cross represents our fallen nature and all of the sinfulness that comes from it. It is that MMI attitude we inherited as broken humans and all the selfishness that results. It is the way we used to live apart from Christ, and still do when we forget that we are New Creations in Christ. So every time we listen to Pride instead of Humility, we are falling short of the perfection of God, we are disobeying what He desires for us, which is a life of selfless loving grace towards others and ourselves. 

We need to pick up this cross and carry it on our backs like Jesus did…but also like Jesus did, we do not have to carry it alone. Walking side by side with Christ, through every decision we must make on a daily basis, He will help us never forget who we used to be, but quickly remember who we now are in His Love and Grace. This is Humility. Never forgetting who we were will keep us balanced least we think way too highly of who we now are in Christ. 

While we are learning to deny the power that our old self still tries to exert on us and as we start carrying the cross of Humility, knowing that we were one way apart from Christ, but now we are different…the greatest thing left to do is follow Jesus….more tomorrow

1- Deny yourself

2- Pick up your cross daily

<>< Peace, Diane