Do you know WHY you believe?

I have said this so many times, and by God’s Grace I hope to say it many more times, but focus right now because this is WHY we believe what we believe: a Christian is not someone who believes in Christ. A Christian is someone who believes AND follows Christ! Too many people have been deluded in thinking that, once they receive Jesus as Savior, they are done. Sweet children, that is only the beginning! When we receive Jesus, He is BOTH our Savior and Lord. We believe in Him and He gives us Eternal Life…then because we believe in Him and HAVE Eternal Life, we follow Him. That means HE is our Lord. He gets to tell us what is Truth, and what is not. He gets to teach us how to think about every topic. He gets to help us control our emotions so we are doing good instead of perpetuating evil. He gets to show us what we should want and how to trust Him when we don’t get what WE wanted. And He gets to be our example in every situation of this life…and beyond.

So here is the third move of the enemy in this Game of Destruction: Culture knows best- look to this world for your truth. And since he is the god of this world, he can fill us with more lies to gain more control over us. (2Co 4:4 NLT) Sound familiar? The enemy is still trying to be god, and so he brings as much division as he can to gain as much control over people and groups as he can, both in and out of “the church.” When we choose to put aside our Bibles, Church, we are only inviting in suffering…and this is a good thing…more tomorrow.

<>< Peace, Diane