Two other ways that toxins leave our bodies is through PEE and POOP. We talked about hydration before, check out the links below, so today let’s get a bit personal: how are your BM’s? No need to get awkward or shy here, everyone has to eliminate the waste from foods this way, but we also get rid of toxins when we “go” too. The truth is we should have a BM every day, at least once a day. This is one of the things I mean when I say everything should be flowing in and out of our bodies, for us to have optimal health.
The last thing we want is to have stool sitting in our intestines with all those toxins, and give them the opportunity to be reabsorbed into our body. Most people’s bodies are already overworked trying to clear away waste product and maintain good health, so we should “go” often and help our bodies repair and restore.
So if you are not going every day, then there are two things that are in our power to do and do them as soon as possible, and as often as possible: 1- change your diet, including being well hydrated. Add all those awesome fiber-filled veggies and watch how those God ingredients help everything flow. AND 2- be more active! The more we move our bodies, the healthier every part of us will become. No matter your current situations these are two powerful ways to reach for better health…so eat what God created and just move to make sure you are moving those bowels!
<>< Peace, Diane
For videos on hydration start here:
Small Volume But Big Punch