
We all believe in something, but what, or who, we are believing in makes all the difference. Listen again to this important verse:

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1Co 13:13 NIV

Faith means trusting something or someone with our life. Everyone uses faith every day, all day long. We trust that when we get in our cars to go to work in the morning, that it will get us there safe and sound. When we sit in a chair we, trust that it will hold us up and we won’t fall to the floor. When we turn on our phones, we trust that we will be able to make that call or connect with that website or whatever it is we use those things for. Faith. But can any of these grant us security in this world, much less the next? Of course not. We must learn to place our trust, to put our Faith, in God first and foremost because only He is Eternal.

Trusting that God loves us, that He has already paid the precious price for our sinfulness, that He desires to live within our hearts, changing us from the inside out forevermore, should not only encourage us, but it should be our basis for Hope…

Join me in memorizing 52 verses this year:

January: 1- Jn 3:16; 2- 2Co 5:17; 3- Jas 2:26; 4- Eph 2:10

February: 5- Jn 10:10; 6- Ro 6:23; 7- Rev 21:4; 8- Php 4:13

March: 9- 1Pe 5:7; 10- Jn 8:32; 11- Dt 30:19; 12- Jn 3:30; 13- 2Chron 20:3

April: 14- 2Chron 20:12; 15- 2Chron 20:15b; 16- 2Chron 20:17; 17- Ro 8:28

18- 1Co 13:13

<>< Peace, Diane