Give Us THIS Day

Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, give us this day…just like in the wilderness with the Israelites and Manna, God gives His people exactly what we need each and every day. He does not give us too much, least we get greedy, and He does not give us less, so we are not lacking. This is true with what He allows into our lives also.

One of the many different names for God is “I AM,” not I was or I will be, but I AM. Praying this beautiful prayer reminds us that God wants us to be like He is, to live in the present. The more we do this, the more it will help us to understand and cherish our past, while being prepared and looking forward to our future. Since we can trust God to provide for today, we will have assurance for tomorrow and be able to see His provision from yesterday. Let these simple words anchor you deeper with God today.

<>< Peace, Diane