Given To Us

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Because Jesus was born, we can live forevermore, praise God!

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isa 9:6 NIV

Jesus was born a human, like you and me, only unlike you and me, He never sinned. This was to fulfill the Davidic Covenant, that David would always have a descendant on the Throne. The Perfect Jesus became our Perfect Sacrifice. And there is nothing you or I have to do now to be given Eternal Life, except believe in Him. Of course, if we believe, it will show up in the way we live our lives. This is why Jesus is given to us, so we can continue this transformation. At Salvation, we immediately are changed from death to Life. Then with the lifelong process of Sanctification, we go from darkness to Light. Now that we have been given Jesus, to reside within our hearts via the Holy Spirit, we can learn to lean on His wisdom, His insight, His strength, His humility, His…fill in the blank with everything good and powerful we would need to be the righteous children of God we are supposed to be. Because Jesus is given to us, we can become more and more like Him.

Since God has given us His one and only Begotten Son, we can be saved AND we can live the saved life. For instance, this is one of the most powerful concepts God has, and continues to teach me: we can learn to capture each thought in our head, and not just roll with whatever pops in our minds. (see 2Co 10:5, that’s your bonus verse) This is huge, my Friends. In Christ, we have the power to control our thinking and that can alter the quality of our lives, and the lives of those around us. 

Quick example: let’s say I am driving down the highway and someone cuts me off. When the thought, “That person is a jerk,” rushes into my mind, I can stop, on purpose, and instead show mercy. Again on purpose, I can choose to think, “Oh maybe there is an emergency and they are rushing to get to where they are going.” With that mind set, now I begin to sincerely pray for the person instead of laying on my horn, only getting everyone upset. Because we have the Given Son, we can choose to believe the best of everyone, and we end up having more peace and joy to boot! 

Leave a comment below on a way that this Given Son has helped you capture those thoughts and change the way you were behaving for the good. 

Join me in memorizing 52 verses this year:

January: 1- Jn 3:16; 2- 2Co 5:17; 3- Jas 2:26; 4- Eph 2:10

February: 5- Jn 10:10; 6- Ro 6:23; 7- Rev 21:4; 8- Php 4:13

March: 9- 1Pe 5:7; 10- Jn 8:32; 11- Dt 30:19; 12- Jn 3:30; 13- 2Chron 20:3

April: 14- 2Chron 20:12; 15- 2Chron 20:15b; 16- 2Chron 20:17 

May: 17- Ro 8:28; 18- 1Co 13:13; 19- Php 2:12; 20- Mt 5:4

June: 21- Lk 23:42; 22- Jas 4:7; 23- Pr 22:6; 24- Mt 5:3; 25- Jn 14:6

July: 26- Jas 2:19; 27- Dt 31:8; 28- Jn 14:15; 29- Jn 8:11

August: 30- Ro 8:1; 31- Pr 4:23; 32- Pr 18:21; 33- Ps 118:24; 34- 1Jn 4:4

September: 35- Mt 16:24; 36- Isa 53:6; 37- Ps 23:1-6

October: 38- Heb 4:12; 39- Jn 15:5

November: 40- Jas 5:16; 41- 1Jn 3:1; 42- 1Jn 5:12; 43- 1Jn 3:3; 44- Ps 139:16

December: 45- Ps 119:105; Eze 17:14; Isa 9:6

<>< Peace, Diane