God’s Wrath

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We have already talked about the Book of Genesis, so if you recall, when God created everything, it was all very good. And then His first two children choose to take things into their very inexperienced hands. They disobey God’s one rule, and sin enters into this world. Sadly, every human that has ever been born, and ever will be, is now trapped in this fallen, sinful nature. Everyone of us turns away from God and towards idols. What’s an idol? Anything or anyone we place above God, giving them a higher value than God. This can include things like our careers or bank accounts or entertainment of some sort, but it can also be people in our lives, like our parents, our spouse or our children. Whenever we worship, that is give worth to, Creation over and above the Creator? We are heading for trouble. Why? Because only God is The Source of all that is good and eternally good. You know, vital things like love, feeling secure, a sense of belonging, having a lasting purpose in life. These are some of the core needs of every human and we cannot fully, consistently and in a healthy way have these apart from Him. 

So God chooses a group of people, from the line of Abraham, who were to show all of humanity what it was like to belong to God. Later, God gives these Israelites the Law to follow so they can display the Righteousness of God. Yet we know, no one is perfect this side of Heaven, and so, they too sinned. Instead of keeping their focus on God, they began looking at their own performance as a means to be righteous, all on their own. So Paul tells this Roman Church that, both the Gentiles and the Jews are all in the same boat. We are all guilty before our Holy God, and so, He must punish us for our guilt. God’s wrath falls upon every human, because there is no way any person can save themselves from the eternal effects of our sinfulness…and so God sent Jesus!

2023’s Got A Minute? Book Club

January: The Bible

<>< Peace, Diane