Gotta Have Faith

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This next behavior we might not think of as a habit, but it certainly is. Mrs Meyer calls it The Faith Habit. We must choose to believe in God, and more over, we must choose to trust God, Himself. Many people will have enough Faith to go to Heaven, but then…then what about this earthly life? Here’s the truth: God has already done the greatest miracle of all: He took our dead hearts and brought them to Life, and Life Everlasting. Who else can resurrect the dead but God? Way too often, we trust Him for our future in Heaven, but can’t seem to trust Him with these lesser, earthly cares. Listen, I get it. We are in the midst of our lives here, so we find it difficult to trust God with things like our troubled marriages, our failing finances, our wayward children or our endless search for a good job. All these are happening to us right here and now, so we struggle with our Faith. This is why making Faith a habit is so powerful. We choose to trust God beyond our understanding, knowing that He is Good and He will make a way for us when we see no way. This doesn’t mean we get all we want, but it does mean God will grant us all we need.

I love this quote in her book from Ralph Waldo Emerson, “All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.” Mrs Meyer says that the only thing the Bible urges us to put all our effort into is striving to enter God’s rest. When we choose to trust God, we can rest because we are trusting Him, see? We can be assured that God will provide for us. We can be certain that God will move us when we need to be moved. We can be positive that God will surround us with the opportunities, resources, people and so on, we need to live the most fulfilling life we can. This of course requires following His lead which again requires Faith. But if we do not make Faith a habit, then we will waver back and forth as we try to find our own way in life. Remember I said last month: we must stop trying and start trusting. Whatever you are going through today, choose to place all your Faith in God, then follow as He leads. You will know in your heart the next step to take, so long as you continue to connect with God in prayer and in His Word. 

14 Good Habits

Behavior 1: The God Habit

Behavior 2: Thoughts, Words and Habits

Behavior 3: The Habit of Being Decisive

Behavior 4: Healthy Habits

Behavior 5: The Happy Habit

Behavior 6: The Faith Habit

2023’s Got A Minute? Book Club

January: The First & Best Book Ever: The Bible

February: Love Is In the Air: “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” by Gary Chapman

March: Spring Growth: “Secrets of the Vine” by Bruce Wilkinson

April: Living the Resurrected Life: “The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life” by Dr Charles Stanley

May: My Spiritual Mom: “Making Good Habits Breaking Bad Habits” by Joyce Meyer

<>< Peace, Diane