We give God a willing heart to get to know Him deeper, and then we give Him an open mind so we can begin to believe what He says and act accordingly. This is all done, and can only be done, with God’s help. Sanctification is a process that deepens our connection with God so we start to think, feel and want what He does. This deeper connection is what releases the fruit of the Spirit, as well as giving us access to all the spiritual gifts He gave us when we became saved…this includes peace. But if we are not doing this most vital thing, we can trip ourselves up.
What’s this most pivotal and powerful action we need to make a habit in our lives? Capturing our thoughts! 2Co 10:5 says: “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” This simply means we must learn to think about what we are thinking about, and make sure it lines up with what the Bible teaches. It is only with the Holy Spirit that we can truly discern right from wrong thoughts, because as we said yesterday, apart from Christ, we humans are limited in our understanding.
<>< Peace, Diane