It IS Precious

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As I said last week, God’s Word is supposed to be alive and active and powerful and life-changing for those who believe and follow Christ. This Bible is not like any other book. We don’t read it once and say, “Well, that was nice,” and put it up on a shelf, never to interact with it ever again. NO!!! We are to read, and reread, and then reread It again, for the rest of our lives on this planet. But then we are to study It so we can come to understand the meaning of all the books, chapters, verses, words…even periods and commas, for crying out loud! One of the ways we do this is by memorizing verses. Then, of course, we shouldn’t stop there! We must learn how to apply them, to implement His Wisdom, to use God’s Word for His Glory, our benefit and the benefits of others too.

This is God’s Word, not man’s. As I have heard it said, and said myself so often, It is God’s Love Letter to His Creation. I know if I were to find a letter from my Angel Pie somewhere hidden in the house, where she tells me about her thoughts and desires, I would be completely engrossed by that message daily, seeking to connect with her and know her heart more deeply. That would be my daughter…but this is God. Wisdom Himself. Oh my Friends, if I cannot teach you anything other than to fall in love, and keep falling in love with the Bible, then I have done my job. Here is this week’s “verse to remember,” it is from the Book of Hebrews, chapter 4 verse 12: 

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Heb 4:12 NIV

Alive and active! Is it so in your life? If it is, GOOD! But let’s make it more so. If it is not, then let’s get moving…

Join me in memorizing 52 verses this year:

January: 1- Jn 3:16; 2- 2Co 5:17; 3- Jas 2:26; 4- Eph 2:10

February: 5- Jn 10:10; 6- Ro 6:23; 7- Rev 21:4; 8- Php 4:13

March: 9- 1Pe 5:7; 10- Jn 8:32; 11- Dt 30:19; 12- Jn 3:30; 13- 2Chron 20:3

April: 14- 2Chron 20:12; 15- 2Chron 20:15b; 16- 2Chron 20:17 

May: 17- Ro 8:28; 18- 1Co 13:13; 19- Php 2:12; 20- Mt 5:4

June: 21- Lk 23:42; 22- Jas 4:7; 23- Pr 22:6; 24- Mt 5:3; 25- Jn 14:6

July: 26- Jas 2:19; 27- Dt 31:8; 28- Jn 14:15; 29- Jn 8:11

August: 30- Ro 8:1; 31- Pr 4:23; 32- Pr 18:21; 33- Ps 118:24; 34- 1Jn 4:4

September: 35- Mt 16:24; 36- Isa 53:6; 37- Ps 23:1-6

38- Heb 4:12

<>< Peace, Diane