Just the Way You Are

God’s beloved…God loves us just the way we are. God knows we are a hot mess, He is not delusional! He knows what He is getting when He adopts us into His Forever Family…but the Good News is, He loves us anyway, faults, flaws and fractures included. He knows exactly who we are, but we must learn to see ourselves the way He does. He says we are beautiful…He says we are precious…He says we are worthy…do we say these things about ourselves and in a balanced way? We ARE beautiful, precious and worthy, but not more than anyone else! Too much one way and we fall into arrogance and think way too highly of ourselves…but too much the other way and we demean ourselves, and demean the sacrifice of Jesus Who died to set us free from such wrong thoughts. Balance is key. 

Choose to believe that God loves you because He says He does. We honor God when we choose to believe what He has said. And praise God, this is an unconditional love, which means we do not HAVE TO change so that God will love us…but if we love Him then we will desire to change, right? More tomorrow…

<>< Peace, Diane