Microbiome Thrives with High Fiber

This week let’s talk about some things that affect our Microbiome. Today let’s discuss the one I mentioned last week and that is our Diet. Now this might sound familiar because we spent quite some time several months ago talking about nutrition and one of the issues we discussed was how vital a high fiber diet is to our overall health. But one of the reasons why it is so important is because all types of fiber are the main source of nutrition for our Gut Microbiome.

Once again I am awed at how God has given us these secret inhabitants to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. You see, we humans do not have the enzymes to break down and digest the healthy fibers we should be eating, like those found in fruits, veggies, legumes, beans, nuts, grains…you know, God ingredients. And so God gave us this gift of the Microbiome. 

These microbes feast on these fibers, changing them into short-chained fatty acids…what we need to know about these healthy fats is that they are both anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer. They are involved in all sorts of health promoting processes in our body. They affect everything from gut to heart heath and from brain to mental health. We need these healthy fats and the best way to get them is by eating a high fiber diet that feeds our Microbiome.

<>< Peace, Diane