Not about “ME”…

We will begin the transition to Effective Finances as we learn how to handle the gifts of money God’s way, but before we dig in, let me emphasize what I ended with yesterday: it really is not about “ME”! If life were just about you and me, it would not be as amazing and fantastic and breath taking as it can be! It would be like us: limited, broken, temporary…and while our lives in this world might be temporary, never forget we were created in the Image of God, and He is Eternal! Whether you acknowledge Him or not, does not change this truth: God created you in His Image so He created you to be eternal also…but if you live forever, or die forever, is another matter altogether. 

I pray if you are listening to my little daily messages, that you have already surrendered to Jesus as your Savior and Lord or that you are on your way toward Him and the Salvation He freely gives to those who believe. (Jn 3:16) And either way, I pray that you do acknowledge Him more and more in your life. As we do, we begin to understand this vital lesson: it is not about “ME” and God begins to make us more and more like Himself…that’s where the Abundant Life comes from and that’s when it becomes abundant!

<>< Peace, Diane