Not Comfortable, But Required

Familiar things bring us comfort. For example, we do not like conflicts because they are uncomfortable. But the truth is, in this life, we are always going to have conflicts, especially if you are a Christian, and we need to know what to do with them. Certainly, we can look at the life of Christ and see how He faced every conflict, head-on. We need to learn to do the uncomfortable thing too, just like He did.

Now we do not go looking for conflict…that would be a whole other problem…but when they come, we have to know the right way to handle them. Let me give you an example: like most people, I did not like to confront others whenever there was any conflict. It was just too uncomfortable so I would just sweep it under the rug, as they say…that is until God challenged me to do otherwise. Several years ago as I was working at a pharmacy, one of the pharmacists that worked with me, began to say false and hurtful things about me. The technicians who also worked with us told me about it. You could feel the tension at work, but because it was uncomfortable to confront her, I tried to let it go. A week or two later, I felt the Holy Spirit convict me and whisper in my heart, “You are going to have to face this problem or it will only get worse.” So the next time we worked together, I took her aside and talked to her about it. She was surprised I said anything, as we both felt how uncomfortable the whole situation was, but in the end, she apologized and promised that she would recant and stop what she was doing. Issue resolved. Was it comfortable? No way! Yet it is what was best for everyone involved. 

Uncomfortable situations. We get so comfortable doing the same things we have always done. This, of course, includes our health as well. So again let’s wrestle with this question: whether this is about a relationship, a work problem, or our health habits, if we know the right thing to do, why don’t we just do it? What keeps holding us back? Leave your comments below as we continue to hash this out and find the answer to our reluctance to do the hard and uncomfortable things that will bring us the peace and optimal health we long to have.

<>< Peace, Diane