Not Easy, But So Worth It

Oh my, how we humans love whatever is easy! It is so much easier for me to sit on the couch all day instead of getting up and going for a hike…but of course that is NOT what is best for me, is it? I am getting a little convicted as I am making these videos on achieving optimal health, but conviction is good. We talked about the difference between conviction and condemnation before (see link below), so as I am getting convicted, by God’s Grace, I got up this morning and jumped on my stationary bike. I peddled hard for 5 miles, and after, I was sweaty and tired…it was not easy, but man was it worth it! 

If you have surrendered your life to Jesus as Lord and Savior, then you are a child of God who is supposed to be imitating Jesus…and there was nothing easy about His Life, and yet, His Life was perfect! The truth is, as a child of God, the harder path is the best path for us, because it is the only one that will lead us to a truly fulfilling life, where we are glorifying God and loving one another. The hard path, no it’s not easy, but it is what is best for us.

So let’s continue to wrestle with this question…we know it is better for us to be active than to slouch on the couch all day long…so if we know this, what is keeping us from actually living it out? Leave your comments below and let’s continue to wrestle with this question this week.

<>< Peace, Diane