Powerful and Pivotal Question

Before we move on to the next pillar of physical health called Microbiome, I want us to spend some time this week wrestling with a question. For many weeks now, we have been discussing nutrition, hydration, being active and getting better sleep. And I hope I have shared things with you that you may not have known, like how we are supposed to have arm pits, not arm puffs. Or perhaps you never realized you shouldn’t be drinking your calories and that you can eat your water. Or maybe you never knew how big an impact something like sleep has on every system of your body. Again, I really do hope you have learned some new information that will bless your life.

 But the truth is, we all know we must eat well, be hydrated, keep active and get restful sleep so that we can work towards optimal health. These are all things that, for the most part, are under our control. After all, no one can force us to eat junk food, right? We have control over whether we grab that bag of chips or go for the apple instead. In the same way, no one can make us stay up way past a good bedtime as we binge watch a TV show we won’t even remember a year from now. My Friends, these are choices we have the power to make, or not.

So the question I want to discuss this week is, if we know we should do these healthy things, why don’t we? Please leave a comment below on what keeps you from doing what you know you should, so that you can be healthier than you are right now. This week, I would like to give you some of my thoughts on this powerful and pivotal question.

<>< Peace, Diane

Arm pits or arm puffs?

Don’t drink your calories

Eat your water

Sweet Sleep Can Change Everything