Relaxation Becomes Tangible

The Abundant Life, filled to the overflow with peace, joy and everything that is good, is not just for me…but for everyone I will ever encounter on earth, for the rest of my life. The truth is, it is kind of selfish not to grow in Christ, because others need to sense this peace too, and you just might be the only person that has Jesus and can offer them this peace. 

My Friends, if you have sincerely surrendered your life to Christ, then you are saved. Your destination is Heaven because of what Jesus has done for you. But now, out of gratitude, it is our time to return this love by growing to be more and more like Him, so that others around us can have a tangible example of who He is. Hopefully, they too will surrender their lives, come into the fold to be saved and begin to experience this peace for themselves. Then they can grow and bring others to Jesus and so on and so on. This is God’s Plan to fill us with so much peace that we will help others have Eternity too.

Pure relaxation is living a life devoid of all stress…but as I have been saying, for us humans, this is a process. But the more we grow, the more we can receive this peace and live in this peace. We learn that we can relax no matter what, and then we can share this peace with others. Everyone wins when we choose to grow in Christ. We get to live, more and more, in this amazing peace He offers. Others get to see what that looks like, and hopefully, receive it for themselves too. And of course, God is glorified when we imitate the Prince of Peace.

<>< Peace, Diane