Seeing the Invisible

Read your Bible…let’s break it down a bit more, today New Testament Gospels

New Testament Gospels: God the Son pours out His Life for creation, revealing Himself to humans by being raised up on the Cross and paying the sin debt we humans could never pay. God gives us the opportunity to see His Nature, Who He is, in real life, physical ways through Jesus. He does what the Israelites chose not to do, to introduce the invisible God in visible ways to the rest of the world. Jesus fulfilled every commandment, every statute, every ordinance because He chose to abide in the Father. He came into this world sinless and remained sinless with every thought, word and deed He chose. He remained perfect, immaculate, unblemished His entire Human life…that is, until the Cross. Once again, Jesus chose to follow the Father’s Will over His own as He took upon His precious back our sins. He became sin for us, the Bible says…but the Cross is NOT the end of His story! Hallelujah! The Empty Grave talks about Everlasting Victory! Jesus has defeated death…and now if we choose to believe, to put our Faith in what the Father has provided, what Jesus has already done, then we too have this Everlasting Victory, united with the Holy Spirit, one with God, our Creator, forevermore. This is the only Way to become righteous.

Lesson: Gospels are God pouring out His Love through His Son, Jesus, Who came to do what we could never do, live a sinless life to take away our sinfulness so we can be righteous through Him. May we choose to surrender our lives to Him.

<>< Peace, Diane