Something Much Better

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I long to tell the whole world that there is something so much better for us than a defeated life of struggling with the same old issues we have been struggling with all our lives. We do not need to allow the difficulties of life to overwhelm us, to control us, to lead us to a mediocre life. We don’t NEED to…but if we continue to TRY to live life apart from the Holy Spirit’s power and influence, we will have a ho-hum life, and no one else will come to know the Eternity that lives on our inside. As Dr Stanley says, “Apart from the Helper, life is reduced to doing the best we can.” (p10)

The Holy Spirit lives in each believer and desires to help us grow so we can follow His leading. I can remember when I first picked up this great book by Dr Stanley, how life changing this truth was for me. “What?!” I thought, “I don’t have to live this life alone and do this by myself anymore?! That the Holy Spirit wants to change my thoughts, help me control my emotions and align my will with God’s Will, so that I can have and experience an increasing amount of contentment that will help me live with peace and joy, no matter what is going on?!” This Christian reality has continued to enhance my life…and even when I am having “a moment,” it is just a moment. See? Where I used to go into the pits of depression and misery for months at a time, now I’m down to days instead. And as I continue to deepen my dependance on the Holy Spirit, I hope to go down to hours, then minutes, then seconds, then…well, then into the arms of Jesus is probably what will happen…but I hope you are getting what I’m saying here. Progress. It is all about progress in the Holy Spirit. Moving forward from who we used to be, towards who we were always meant to be: Free to live love.

2023’s Got A Minute? Book Club

January: The First & Best Book Ever: The Bible

February: Love Is In the Air: “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” by Gary Chapman

March: Spring Growth: “Secrets of the Vine” by Bruce Wilkinson

April: Living the Resurrected Life: “The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life” by Dr Charles Stanley

<>< Peace, Diane