The Beloved Flock

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Jesus is our Good Shepherd and we are His self-absorbed, wayward, yet highly loved sheep. Mr Keller notes when talking about David who wrote Psalm 23: “After all, he knew from firsthand experience that the lot in life of any particular sheep depended on the type of man who owned it….Under one man sheep would struggle, starve, and suffer endless hardship. In another’s care they would flourish and thrive contentedly.” (p18) Can we see which owner is which here? Jesus desires for us, His sheep, to not only survive in this world, but thrive in it as we await Paradise. It is our real enemy, that old serpent, who is doing all he can think of to steal our peace, kill our joy and destroy our life and the witness it might give forth to encourage others to come to our Lord. Understanding how deeply God loves us will help us surrender to Jesus, allowing Him to be our Shepherd who will guide and protect us along life’s journey.

Yes, we are so very blessed to be invited to become a member of the Flock of Jesus. When we accept this offering and become His sheep, as Mr Keller says, we become “…His special object of affection and attention. Who better could care for me?” (p19) The author considers the vast universe and compares the entire planet earth to a speck of dust, so how much more insignificant should we be? Yet to our Shepherd we are of infinite value because He loves us. Mr Keller says, “I belong to Him simply because He deliberately chose to create me as the object of His own affection.” (p20) 

Sadly, too many humans refuse to admit that we belong to God because He created us. But if you are not a believer, this is expected. My problem is with the “Church,” those who claim to be His, but refuse to accept and submit to His ownership over their lives. Perhaps no one has ever told you that your life, once you surrender it to Christ, is no longer yours. Maybe no on ever told you that you can have an amazing intimate and personal relationship with your Lord. Or it is possible that you already know all this, but still do not believe that God loves you so deeply, and desires to live in constant communion with you, and so you continue to resist Him. Whatever the reason, my Friends, if you have not yet surrendered to Jesus, you can do so right now. And if He already is your Shepherd, you can begin to follow Him more closely right now. And if you have confessed that He is your Good Shepherd and have begun to follow Him, we can always follow Him closer, so I invite us all to take that next step today. Our lives will be so much richer for these decisions. Our lives will honor and glorify God our Lord. and our lives just might bring others into the Flock too!

2023’s Got A Minute? Book Club

January: The First & Best Book Ever: The Bible

February: Love Is In the Air: “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” by Gary Chapman

March: Spring Growth: “Secrets of the Vine” by Bruce Wilkinson

April: Living the Resurrected Life: “The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life” by Dr Charles Stanley

May: My Spiritual Mom: “Making Good Habits Breaking Bad Habits” by Joyce Meyer

June: Spiritual Dad:  “It’s Not About Me- Rescue from the Life We Thought Would Make Us Happy” by Max Lucado

July: Financial Freedom “Complete Guide to Money” by Dave Ramsey

August: Summer’s Soul Restorer “A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23” by W Phillip Keller

<>< Peace, Diane