Our major problems with relationships comes when we expect others to be who, and do what, we expect them to be and do. Notice all that expecting? We do this because we tend to view life and others through our own narrow, MMI perspective. This is a Pride issue here, my Friends. The curse is thinking we know better than others, and this sadly includes God. When we place ourselves in that way too high of a position, then where is everyone else? Below us. We get the false idea that we must control everyone and every situation, that everyone should simply fulfill our expectations… and what was meant to be a blessing, now seems like a curse instead.
If only, they would…fill in the blank…then this relationship would be fine. Problem is, the other person is thinking the same exact thing! When we only look at life through our own tiny lenses, we are not allowing for the beautiful differences in each person’s personality and nature. We will always struggle with relationships if we choose to only see life through our own perspective. Part of this problem with this narrow, self-centered viewpoint is that it opens us up to believe the lie…we will talk about that tomorrow…
<>< Peace, Diane