The Heart of the Matter

Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come…what are we praying for here? Let’s look at three different verses so we can understand this a little more.

First we see in John 18:36 where Jesus tells Ponitus Pilate that His Kingdom is not of this world. Then Luke 17:21 where Jesus tells His followers that His Kingdom is in their hearts; that it is not a particular place like Heaven will be, but it is more like a state of being. Lastly, Romans 14:17 tells us that God’s Kingdom is not a matter of this world or worldly things like eating and drinking, but rather that it is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. God’s Kingdom is this relationship we have with God Himself. Wherever He is, there is His Kingdom, and we can begin to have a taste of it as we connect with Him, more and more.

So with these three verses as our background, here are some things we are asking God as we pray this beautiful prayer: 1- for God to convert hearts so we and others may know Him as Lord and Savior, 2- for God’s realm of harmony and unity to be ours, here already, 3- to make His Kingdom so real to us that we can have an increasing experience with it here, a place where there is no more pain or suffering, where we will all work together for the greatest good, to glorify our Father, and 4- that Jesus rules over our hearts, that He be at the heart of everything we think, say and do. 

The heart of the matter is always a matter of the heart. The motivation of why we do what we do is so very important! Study these three verses today and let God help you, understand them yes, but then more importantly, to live by them. 

<>< Peace, Diane