The More We Know, The More We Will Move

The more we understand how being active blesses every part of our bodies, as well as our spirit and soul, the more likely we are to just move. Here is a list of our 12 systems and one or two benefits we experience by being more active:

1 to 3 Circulatory, Muscular, Skeletal: strengthens heart, muscles and bones

4- Digestive: stimulates enzyme production which aids in digesting our foods

5- Nervous: improves memory, and decreases brain fog, by increasing neurogenesis and neuroplasticity 

6- Endocrine: balances hormones like cortisol, insulin and thyroid hormones

7- Respiratory: improves lung capacity

8- Excretory (urinary): can improve incontinence, when doing low-impact activities like cycling or swimming because these strengthening exercises help abdominal core muscles get stronger, which decreases pressure on the bladder and so helps with incontinence… but please watch the types of activity, don’t do any that puts pressure on the pelvic area

9- Reproductive: if you are trying to get pregnant, losing weight can help regulate our hormones, but don’t overdo it though because that can cause changes to our menstrual cycle, causing more problems…being more active also increases our libido!

10- Integumentary (hair, skin, nails): increased circulation to skin cells keep them more vital, increases fluids to hair follicles and more life-giving blood to nail beds increasing health in these areas too

11- Immune (Lymphatic): exercise elevates your level of immunoglobulins, which are proteins that help bolster your immune system and ward off infection

12- Microbiome: enrich the diversity of organisms and enhance the number of beneficial microbial species in our Gut. (Our Microbiome is not even human! It’s so very fascinating, I am looking forward to talking more about this when we get to that Pillar.)

I will say it again: the more we understand how being active blesses every part of our bodies, as well as our spirit and soul, the more likely we are to just move.

<>< Peace, Diane