Through God’s Eyes

As we continue the transition from marriage to parenting, we can’t forget how our babies are actually made. So this week let’s have “The Talk” and see what God’s intentions were, and still are, for this sacred, intimate, interaction between husband and wife. 

I know I am risking offending some people, but this is a normal and God-given part of life, so there should be no embarrassment about this topic. As a matter of fact, it should be taught in Church. After all, God speaks about it in His Word. Perhaps this is why we have strayed so very far from what God originally intended for this beautiful and holy union between husband and wife? Our ignorance of what He planned for sex could be the reason why we are following the world’s way instead of The Way. As with everything I talk about, we are going to look at this subject through the eyes of God, so we will start tomorrow…

<>< Peace, Diane