We Need God First, Then Others Too

As we seek to eat well, stay properly hydrated, become more active and learn to get better sleep, let us never forget where the power to choose these healthier decisions come from. Our own individual will power can take us only so far. We need Christ…and my Friends, we need each other too. God is a God of relationships and He desires for His children to get along, and help each other along on this journey we call life. 

First we run to God, but then we reach out to each other so we can, not only talk the talk, but walk the walk…you are NOT in this alone, it is NOT up to you and you alone, remember that’s Pride talking…but we are denying our old selves, carrying this tension of who we were and who we now are daily, and following Jesus…and if Jesus was so wise to surround Himself with others, we need to also

If you are not connected to a good Bible based church, please make that your next priority. While we could, and should, read and study the Bible individually, we cannot neglect gathering with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We need each other to encourage, to comfort, to sympathize, to challenge…we need each other for all things.

If you are like me and find it more difficult to motivate yourself to do these right things that will lead us towards optimal health, won’t you reach out to some of your Forever Family members and form some type of accountability group where you can check on each other and spur one another towards a healthier lifestyle? We must educate ourselves so we know what to do…but then we must seek help to actually do these things. Remember: we need God first and foremost, but then we need others too

Have a great Sunday, we will start talking tomorrow about some “secret inhabitants” that God has given us to help on this health journey…

1- Deny yourself

2- Pick up your cross daily

3- Follow Jesus…this includes surrounding ourselves with others!

<>< Peace, Diane