11-23-20 Lord, Set My Eyes Above

Hi Friends,

     Of course another way to say fix my eyes on You is to say set my mind on You. Listen:

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Col 3:2 NIV

     What occupies your day? Are you absorbed with which celebrity is getting married to which wannabe celebrity? Are you fixated on what sports team is winning, or losing, which tournament? Are you obsessed with the vicious politics, the latest shaming on social media or the number of “likes” your current post is getting? I hope I don’t have to tell you, but I will, none of these are things from above. So you may be saying, “Diane, I don’t have time to bother with any of that superficial nonsense.” Well, good for you! So let me ask you, are you absorbed with which coworker is getting which assignment in the new account? Are you fixated on what car you are driving, or not driving, around? Are you obsessed with having the right wardrobe, the latest techno-gadget or the number of friends you have on social media? Ok, I went back to social media only because it is so consuming…and, unless you are tweeting about the Gospel, it is NOT things from above. None of those are! But you might say, “Well, Diane, am I not allowed to enjoy the things of this world?” Yes, you are…but you are not allowed to become possessed by them! The saying goes, you can have things of this world, so long as they do not have you. 

     Have I convicted you? Well, I’ve convicted myself! Even though I am more and more focused on the things above, like writing and recording these blogs, like editing and posting my vlogs, like writing my second book, like teaching my Bible study class, like trying to witness to my family, like praying for or counseling others…I don’t list these things to impress you. I just list them as things that we can do that ARE for above. And even though I do all those things, still so many earthly, non-essential things seem to creep into my life anyway. And I get distracted, forget my mission and end up preoccupied with things that will not live on forever. I hope we can agree that the things of this world, the “vitally important” stuff that captivates and captures us, are always changing. Can we even remember the “critical issues” that used to make us lose our peace when we were in high school? Yet we act like the worldly issues of today are the only things that we should spend our precious time, talents and treasure on. Hey, I’m not advocating not caring about the world. As Christians, we must. But to be absorbed, fixated and obsessed with them? 

     Priorities. I have heard it said, that you can tell what is important to someone by looking at their bank statement. (Ok the phrase used to be “by looking at their checkbook,” but who uses checks anymore?!) What we spend our time, talents and treasure on reveal the things we find worthy. I shouldn’t have to say this, but I will, as Christians, God is supposed to be the numero uno most vitally important and worthy “thing” we revolved our lives around…but do we? Hey no need to say, “Well, Diane, I’m not perfect,” because I certainly am not either. I am posing this question to myself as well as to you. Is God the One we are absorbed with? Fixated on? Our greatest obsession even? If I’m honest, I still have a long way to go to fully set my mind on things above. Earthly things always seem to be so much more immediate. They seem to require more of my time. They seem to demand an ever-increasing amount of my talents and treasures. They seem to…but they don’t have to. That’s my choice…and it’s yours as well.

     I’m making a new choice. I am committing to pray this simple prayer every morning as I rise: Lord, set my eyes above. I wonder how much time that will free in my day. I’m curious to see how many more people I can bless with my talents. I’m excited to see how God will use our treasures to further His Eternal Kingdom as I let go of my earthly, temporary one. Are you interested in opening your eyes and mind to this new way of living too? Will you write down this simple prayer and place it where you will see it every morning for the next month. Then please leave a comment below to let me know you will be joining me! I know it will increase our gratitude this month and beyond…and by the way: Have a very Blessed Thanksgiving Day!

     Until we meet again, keep lifting your eyes to God, He’s closer than you think.

<>< Peace, Diane 

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