Better Because of the Ride

A Christian is NOT a perfect human, but a child of God who has the Perfect One living within us. This means we have the potential to change. Sanctification is HUGE too! And it requires our perspective to be on God, seeing life from His eyes.

Last week, I lowered my perspective and could only see the situation through my own MMI eyes. As a result, that old, ugly Diane came flying out…but praise God! He really does work all things together for good. Perhaps those that had to hear my rage needed to see how their choices affected me. It is my sincere prayer that, as God has used the event to draw me closer, that He does that same thing for them. But as we said, I cannot change them, I cannot change the situation, but I can choose to change myself… and that ONLY with God’s help, because we cannot change ourselves without His higher perspective. 

I can choose to allow God to use this downward plunge to remind me that I am still in need of a Savior! That I am still in desperate need of His work within me to help me control myself, while not allowing myself to be anyone’s doormat…more of that this coming week. 

Have a Blessed Sunday!!!

<>< Peace, Diane