Last week, we talked about the importance of saving money for the unexpected, for big known expenses and for future things like retirement and college. We will back up this week to discuss Baby Step 2, which is becoming Debt Free. If we owe money to institutions for charges on credit cards, car loans or maybe even college debt, we may not have the needed funds to be able to put towards these important savings. For this reason, and so many more, it is vital that we get out of debt as soon as possible, and then stay out of debt.
The Bible teaches that the one who borrows is slave to the lender, (Pr 22:7), but my Friends, we are children of God, who are supposed to be set free, inside and out. Please understand that, money is never only about money. I do hope you have been seeing this as we have been talking about finances these last several weeks. The way we handle our assets is symbolic for a much deeper reality within. The more freedom we have in Christ, the more we will manage HIS money HIS WAY…and the more of that freedom becomes real in our lives filling us to the overflow with peace and joy. So the more free we are inside, hopefully the freer we become outside, this means getting rid of all our financial debt too.
<>< Peace, Diane