As a born again Christian, the most intimate and vital relationship each of us can have, of course, is that of our developing connection with our Father, God. Like Jesus, we must learn to seek Him above all else and in every situation of life, before we actually do anything. Again, this is an issue of spiritual growth since this way of life does not come naturally to us independent, prideful, MMI humans. At The Downfall, we became disconnected from God, and have sadly, learned to live “on our own.” I put quotes around that because God has never left us, but we cannot fully sense His Presence in our fallen state.
This is why the power we gain when we surrender our lives to the Father’s Love, because of the Son’s sacrifice and through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, is the only way we can have good and healthy relationships. Salvation reconnects us to our Creator and we begin the journey back to who we were always meant to be, one with God, growing in complete unity with Him and others around us. Apart from this transformational, life-giving event in our lives, we cannot live in this harmony with others because we will always have that curse I talked about last week, controlling our thoughts, emotions and desires. We need God and we need Him in all Three Persons too.
<>< Peace, Diane