And the Ride Continues…

Jesus NEVER reacted. Jesus ALWAYS responded. So what’s the difference?

We talked about reacting yesterday, where it is our old nature still trying to control every person and situation around us. It is grounded in our old Prideful Self. Responding is the complete opposite.

Responding is the New Person we are becoming in Christ. The New Creation that is learning to think, feel and want what God thinks, feels and wants, more and more. Responding centers from a place of humility, not thinking one is better than another, not insisting on one’s rights, not living with an entitlement or victim mentality. Responding is knowing WHO you are in Christ, and displaying the confidence that He is in full charge, no matter if I get “my way” or not.

Responding is, when someone yells at you, but you take the time to actually listen to them and you show them respect by speaking with them about the issues, instead of yelling at them. Responding is being so secure in your New Identity in Christ, that you do not feel the need to prove yourself right. You choose to be righteous rather than insisting you are right.  

Responding does NOT mean you do not have to capture people’s attention, like when Jesus tossed the Temple tables over, but it is having the right perspective of fighting what is unjust and desiring to draw others closer to God, whatever way we have to do so.

Responding is our New Self in Christ, and Church, it is WHO God is transforming us to be. It is high time we are honest with the world around us: when we become born again, we do NOT become perfectly behaved children of God. We are still a mess, acting like our old person way too often. We are works in progress…but that is the whole difference: we ARE works IN progress…more tomorrow…

<>< Peace, Diane