This week, let’s start talking about the sixth Pillar of Physical Health I call Relaxation. But relaxation is so much more than just taking some time off to unwind. The dictionary defines it as…
Hi Friends,
Since our God is a God of Peace, there always exists a flow to how things work in every relationship, so that peace can be had and maintained by all, no matter what challenge the relationship encounters. Listen to God’s Order…
What sounds familiar about the videos from this past week? Oh wait, these are the first 5 Pillars of Physical Health that we have been talking about for several months now! Working on these areas can help us…
Problem: low immune response
Find and Fix: Focus on the Microbiome and vitamin D connection. In addition to eating those fiber-rich, anti-inflammatory foods we talked about the other day, a quick thing we can do is to…
Problem: things like brain fog, forgetfulness, fatigue, especially around 3 in the afternoon
Find and fix: Could be as simple as getting a good night’s sleep! I’ve said this before and I will say it again, we must make…
So what’s a way to find and fix GERD? Let me ask you: what do side stretches, rebounders and deep breathing have in common? They are all ways to get…
Drink plenty of water, and if needed, use hydration powders. Let me share from a personal story: a couple of years ago, I began having these horrible headaches and painful nasal congestion, but instead of running for…