The First 5 Vital Areas of Our Health

What sounds familiar about the videos from this past week? Oh wait, these are the first 5 Pillars of Physical Health that we have been talking about for several months now! (see full list below)

Working on these areas can help us find and fix many of the health problems we may be experiencing. Here’s the week’s recap:

1- Nutrition: can help you discover any food sensitivities and gut issues and it can help reduce any inflammation in your body that can be causing other illnesses, so make sure your diet is centered on fiber rich, nutrient dense and anti-inflammatory foods daily.

2- Hydration: can help with headaches or skin problems among other issues, so make sure you are always well hydrated and take temperature into consideration when deciding how much to drink in any given day.

3- Activity: can be beneficial to all our systems and can help reduce GERD, so go online and check out all the helpful exercise videos and keep moving.

4- Sleeping: can eliminate brain fog and fatigue leaving us energized for the day ahead, so look for ways to improve your sleep hygiene every day. 

5- Gut Health: improving our Microbiome can boost our immune system, so make wise choices about foods, drinks, medications and so on to develop the healthier gut possible.

Remember, one area affects the other, which affects the other, and so on. All of these Pillars of Physical Health are vital for us to reach towards optimal health, physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Here’s another vital part of being as healthy as possible: the power of relaxation…we will start that pillar next week.

<>< Peace, Diane

7 Pillars of Physical Health:

1- Nutrition

2- Hydration

3- Activity

4- Slepp hygiene

5- Gut Health

6- Relaxation

7- Environmental