Increase Our Immune Response to Lower Any Meds

Problem: a low immune response

If you tend to be the type of person who catches whatever cold or flu is going around, you may have a problem in this area.

Find and Fix: 

Focus on the Microbiome and vitamin D connection. In addition to eating those fiber-rich, anti-inflammatory foods we talked about the other day, a quick thing we can do is to simply go outside. When we are exposed to the sunlight, our skin with create vitamin D, which in turn increases our Microbiome diversity. So with more vitamin D and a healthier Microbiome, our immune system will also be healthier, which means we will be able to fight infections more effectively, keeping any “bug” from surviving and thriving, and causing us health issues. 

So this week, we talked about nutrition, hydration, activity, sleep and our Microbiome…does that sound familiar? We will wrap it up tomorrow…

<>< Peace, Diane