Hi Friends,
Even though the source of resisting the stresses of life is God Himself, let’s look at practical ways to implement His power so we can have a life of relaxation. Listen to this powerful verse…
Do you understand the value of your body? How about your mind? What about your life? Here is what I want us to take away this week: the truth is, apart from Christ, we don’t have any worth, but my Friends, if you are a born again Christian, if you have surrendered your life to Jesus, then you are…
Ultimately the issue for all life’s problems is the same: Pride. I have said it once and I will say it a million times: Pride is the root of all evil. It keeps us from being the holy, children of God we were always meant to be. And why? Because it…
Habits are really difficult to break. They become ingrained in us so much that they become automatic. We don’t even have to think about doing them, we just do them, right? Now if they are…
Easy, comfortable and pleasurable. These are the three things our old, fallen nature seek after. But let’s be honest, chips, chocolate and cookies, these do taste good and give us a jolt of pleasure…but of course, eating them way too often is…
Familiar things bring us comfort. For example, we do not like conflicts because they are uncomfortable. But the truth is, in this life, we are always going to have conflicts, especially if you are a Christian, and we need to know…
Oh my, how we humans love whatever is easy! It is so much easier for me to sit on the couch all day instead of getting up and going for a hike…but of course that is NOT what is best for me, is it? I am getting a little convicted as I am making these videos on achieving optimal health, but conviction is…