Hi Friends,
As I have been saying, every system in our bodies, even every cell, are interconnected and affect one another. Yet it would seem that our microbiome may be a major influence to them all. While we are free to eat as we please, if we do not eat correctly, we can cause our microbiome to…
I do hope we are starting to see mental and emotional health from its proper perspective because at the base of our soul health is our spiritual identity. The more we know WHO we are, or more importantly Whose we are, the more we can…
We have to pay attention to our thoughts, check our emotions and also understand the motivations behind our will. The “why” can change the direction of our actions BEFORE we do something we might regret. For example, we need to…
As we continue talking about our mental and emotional health, I hope you see that its source is our spirit. Since our spirit influences our thoughts which affect our emotions, we have to be aware of the foundation for issues in our soul health if we truly want healing. So next time you start to…
Life or death. Health or sickness. These are the choices we make every time we must make a choice. And our mental and emotional health is the same issue. Either we are paying attention to our thoughts and…
Another example of the choices we make that either bring us towards the blessings of life or closer to the curses of death is a treadmill. (see Dt 30:19) As I was walking on my treadmill one morning and praying to our Lord about this issue of choosing life or death, I felt Him in my spirit ask, “If you…
Today I’d like to share a great example I read about how our life in Christ often goes. It is like we are in a dark parking lot, standing directly under a street light. As it shines down upon us, we can see everything around us and we feel safe…but the moment we start to…