It’s Really a Spirit Thing

Too often when we think about mental and emotional health, we focus on our soul. But the truth is, these conditions are really a spirit issue. As I showed you last week with the “Cascade of Life,” everything has its foundation on our beliefs. Whether it is our soul health or our actions or even our results, they are all controlled by…

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3 Things To Do

Our physical health can definitely start in our soul, so we need to pay attention to what we are thinking, feeling and choosing. Here’s three things we can do to allow God into our lives deeper, so that He can influence our soul further, and so we can…

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If You Think It, You Will Do It

Our minds, the thoughts we entertain, are so powerful that Jesus pulls it out of the soul when He quotes the two greatest commandments. He says we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, ALL OUR MIND and all our strength. (see Dt 6:5 versus Mk 12:30) The greatest thing we can achieve in life is to…

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The Worst Party I’ve Ever Attended

Let’s talk about what normally happens when we do not control our soul. When we don’t think about what we are thinking, when we don’t notice where our emotions are moving us and when we don’t pay attention to our desires, we fall into one of the darkest places known on earth. It is called a…

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Focus on Your Focus

Our Beliefs influence our Thoughts which affect our Emotions which inspire our Will which directs our Actions which give us Results. This is what I call the “Cascade of Life,” and in an ideal world, this is how Life is supposed to flow, to us, then through us. But of course we do not live in an ideal world, do we? So when we think about the soul part of…

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