The reason Why we must place our faith in the way God answers our prayers instead of on our prayers themselves, is because our perspective is…
So God does indeed answer every prayer, just not exactly the way you and I thought He would. And why? Because He loves us way too much to…
The truth is we are VERY different than God. He views life from the perspective of Eternity, while we barely can see what is going on in our tiny corner of the world! So it should not surprise us that…
God is all about growing us, and patience is definitely something we ALL need to grow in! And so, sometimes God’s answer to our prayer is…
No IS an answer…and sometimes deny is the most loving answer God can grant us. Since He sees everything, He knows what will…
The answer to does God answer every prayer is simply, YES! But, of course, it is not always in the…
True OR False: Does God answer EVERY prayer?…