Hi Friends,
God is indeed constantly calling out to every human being, yet we must respond to His call. The first call God is sending out to us, before we become His, is the Call to Salvation. Please listen to this most amazing verse…
It is here that we are literally the hands and feet of Jesus as we love one another the way God knows we need to be loved….
The whole point to Salvation is transformation and the whole point to transformation is to reveal…
While answering the first Call to Salvation seals us forever, opening the doors to Heaven FOR us because of…
The Call to Salvation is the most vital calling from God that we must answer if we want the Abundant Life God designed and desires us to have. But we cannot stop there!…
At many points in everyone’s lives, God will call out to us to clearly tell us He loves us, that He desires to be…
Three ways to respond to God’s calling….