7-20-20 Lord, Show Me Life

Hi Friends,
Sadly, there are millions of people living today that do not know or experience the Abundant Life we were created to have. As I have said many times, this Life God offers has little to do with material things. This Life Jesus died to give us has little to do with…

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7-13-20 Lord, Be My Truth

Hi Friends,
“What is truth?” (Jn 18:38) These words were spoken by Pilate and, sadly, are still spoken by many today, in and out of the Church. Pilate was not seeking truth, he was just mocking Jesus for even bringing up the topic. As some think now, he believed that truth all depended on the individual’s perspective. Is that how you see truth…

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6-15-20 Lord, You Are My Constant

Hi Friends,
As we pray, it is such a relief to know that God does not shift or waver back and forth. We can be certain about His promises because He is steady and constant. Think about shifting shadows for a moment. We are never really sure about what lies within a shadow because it is at least partly obscured by darkness. And if those shadows…

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Are We Part of the Solution?

Hi Friends,
I am drawing a line in the sand and saying enough is enough! While I still wrestle with my own Pride and emotional issues about the injustice of racism, I cannot, and should not, keep silent anymore. As a New Creation in Christ, I want to be a part of the solution, not the problem. My challenge to myself and everyone is to…

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