5-4-20 Lord, Please Work in Me

HI Friends,
Have you ever been doing something that you thought was right but then something happens that shows you that you have been seeing things the wrong way, which helps you realize what you have been doing actually is not right? Until you saw it was wrong, you didn’t think you had to change. But afterwards you became aware that you had to go about the issue differently. Stick with me here…

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Day of Prayer & Fasting

Hi Friends,
Fasting seems to be such a lost discipline in our church these days. But it is when we choose to give up something for the One Who gave up everything for us, that we can deepen our intimacy with God. The question in this fallen world is not will we suffer, but rather, what will we do with our suffering….

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Day of Prayer & Fasting intro

HI Friends,
I pray everyone is well, keeping safe and healthy during these challenging times. All citizens around the world have made some tough sacrifices to mitigate and lower the outbreak of this invisible enemy. And while we sadly still hear about too many deaths as a result of infections, we are now also hearing about other troubles that this pandemic is causing. Some are…

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4-20-20 Lord, Convert My Mind Ro 12:2

Hi Friends,
Don’t be conformed. This world is completely opposite God. What God says is good, this world is saying is wrong. What God says is evil, this world says is right. Moreover, anyone who agrees with God out of love and obedience to Him, are called intolerant and unloving. We are belittled, insulted and villanized. Sadly, there is so much pressure, from those who want nothing to do with God, to conform to the ways of this corrupt and fallen world that, again sadly, way too many people would rather…

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4-13-20 Lord, Convict My Heart

Hi Friends,
There is a huge difference between conviction and condemnation. One is the only right response when we find ourselves in the Presence of God and the other should no longer be in our lives once we surrender to Jesus as Savior and Lord. Let’s look at these two verses and talk about it, shall we?…

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