Book Club, Anyone?

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It’s a New Year so we are going to do a new thing this year. Two years ago, we talked about what I call “The Seven Ripples of Life,” which are seven areas in our lives that our Savior, once He comes into our hearts, He begins to change. They were 1- New You: learning our spiritual Identity in Christ and blooming in our relationship with God to become the person He always desired us to be; 2- Health Seekers: learning how to be as healthy as we can be from head to toe, inside and out, physically, mentally and emotionally as we are led by the Holy Spirit’s guidance and wisdom; 3- Affectionately Yours: learning to have a thriving marriage by following God’s Order for this sacred union; 4- Balanced Parenting: learning to raise godly and dedicated children by influencing these young hearts to love and follow God; 5- Effective Finances: learning to manage our money God’s way so we may have financial freedom; 6- Growing Relationships: learning to appreciate others as blessings and being a blessing to those around us; and 7- Joyous Service: learning our God-given talents for an occupation, and God-granted spiritual gifts to use towards our vocation, so we can live a life of true success. That’s a whole lot of learning that needs to go on, but with God at the center of it all, it is not only possible, it is achievable.

Last year, I shared with you about 52 Bible verses that we should have in our arsenal so that, when life gets challenging, because it will, we can recall those verses and wield them as a mighty weapon to keep us in a place of growing peace and joy, no matter what is going on. Of course, none of those lovely words will help us for long without the One who empowers them. So the more of the Bible we come to understand and commit to memory, the more connected we are to God and the stronger we will be to overcome and/or endure whatever comes our way. You can watch all these videos and more on my YouTube channel or at my website…links are below.

So this year, let’s start a “Book Club” of sorts, shall we? I would like to share with you some of the books that have made an impact on my life. Every month I will introduce and talk about different inspirational books. We will touch on every topic from those “Seven Ripples of Life” and use some of those “verses to remember” too.  As always, I will give you my take on the topics, and hopefully, do it in a way that will impact you for good by adding value, encouragement and godly strategies to your life. We will start tomorrow with my all-time, most favorite and most powerful book of all…can you guess which one it is? Leave a comment below…and I will see you tomorrow.

2023’s Got A Minute? Book Club


<>< Peace, Diane