Father. What a comforting Name for our Jesus, isn’t it? Sadly, for some this Character trait of God can be a stumbling block. If they have not…
God is mighty. Does that give you an overwhelming sense of relief…or fear? Both are good, by the way. The fact that God is powerful should help us understand that…
Since we humans are limited in so many ways, like our ability to fully understand everything that is going on, we need…
Want another amazing truth about learning to live in Christ? None of it is on our tiny shoulders! When this verse says the government will be on His shoulders, it is talking about the…
Jesus was born a human, like you and me, only unlike you and me, He never sinned. This was to fulfill the Davidic Covenant, that David would always…
Since we are in the full swing of Advent, and since we will be celebrating the wonderful Holy Day of Christmas this coming Sunday, it is appropriate to point us to…
The spiritual man is obviously someone who has sincerely received Jesus as Savior, and is living with Him as Lord also. They are far from…