It IS finished! We no longer have to fight with the powers of sin and darkness, nor the dark one. Jesus already won the war! Yet we do continue to…
There is not one thing you and I can go through in this life that Jesus did not experience either. As a Human, our Savior felt every pain, every heartache, every offense and every torment, much deeper than…
Have you ever felt anguish, where your whole spirit, soul and body are in such pain and torment that you think you are about to die? Jesus understands, listen…
Mary the Mother of God is too often misunderstood. The Bible says she is the most blessed of all women and how can we not agree? (Lk 1:42) It was amazing for me to…
Jesus came to save the world. The first human to receive this free gift of Salvation would be the thief hanging on his own cross right next to Jesus. At first this man…
Hey, my Friends. We are going to take a break from that great story in 2Chronicles 20 this week because… it is Holy Week! I want us to spend some time with Jesus as He…
We have no power…until we surrender to Jesus, that is! Then we have the Resurrection Power living on the inside of us! If we choose to, we can…