In Christ, we were created to do good works. We were created to love and be loved. Remember this is the whole point to Life. To be like God is to love others and to receive their love in return. This leads to…
So back to my story from yesterday, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a woman with her two very young girls and hands full of shopping bags just standing there at the top of the escalator as I passed her by and started my way down. Still focused on my…
We are blessed to be a blessing…then when we do these good works, we are blessed again! What’s that saying? “What goes around, comes around.” Well, in this case, that is a very good thing indeed! And this is God’s…
Not only does God love us each so much, He wants us to be with Him forever in Heaven someday, but He also wants us to get a taste of Paradise here too. This is why He continues to…
Because God so loved the world and we believe, we are New Creations in Christ and can do good works to display our Salvation, this New Life in us, in real ways. And this is what we were created for, to…
Without our spirit, the core of our being, we are dead. Likewise, without displaying our Faith by doing good works, we might as well be dead for all the good it does anyone else. Praise God if we have…
God is Holy, Holy, Holy, and as His children, we are supposed to be holy also. Another way to say “holy” is set apart…that means we are supposed to be different! Different than those who are not in Christ or growing to be like Him, of course. But we are supposed to be different than who we…