Connection is Vital

The Holy Spirit’s first vital role is that He connects us to God. One of the major things we should be doing for our husbands is connecting them with God also. Whether this is through our loving words, our display of respect or by actually encouraging them to read the Bible and go to a church service, we are supposed to make sure our men never think they are alone in whatever it is they are doing to support and provide for the family. 

But here is a vital question: can we connect our husbands to God if we are not connected ourselves? While the man should be both the head of the household, as well as the spiritual leader, it should be every wife’s priority to work on our own personal spiritual growth so we can help them. How can we be his true helper if we do not know God personally ourselves? While the man is supposed to lead, he is also supposed to get wise and intelligent counsel from his wife…more on that tomorrow…

<>< Peace, Diane