Exercise to Heal Versus Meds to Mask

Problem: GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease. This is that heartburn and other symptoms we get when stomach acid goes up into the esophagus where it does not belong, causing all these horrible and dangerous effects. We talked about this a little last week as we discussed how PPI’s (Proton Pump Inhibitors) can devastate our Microbiome leading to even more health issues.

Find and fix:

So what’s a way to find and fix this? Let me ask you: what do side stretches, rebounders and deep breathing have in common? They are all ways to get our bodies moving so we can manage this GERD without the need for medications. Activity, especially certain exercises including breathing from our diaphragm can help, and possibly cure, this digestive problem.

There are many great exercises and videos on this out there, for ways to reduce GERD and our need for PPI’s. But remember being active really helps every part of us, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, so let’s get moving!

<>< Peace, Diane