Be Well Hydrated Instead of More Medicated

Problem: dry, itchy skin plus headaches and nasal congestion

Find and fix:

Drink plenty of water, and if needed, use hydration powders. Let me share from a personal story: a couple of years ago, I began having these horrible headaches and painful nasal congestion, but instead of running for medicines like Advil and decongestants, I chose to run for my water bottle. This helped some, but not completely. So then through a series of different events, God led me to these hydration packets that completely and quickly healed the headaches, congestion and dry, itchy skin too. 

Thank God I have learned from this debilitating experience. This uncomfortable trio happens less and less to me now since I am much more vigilant to make sure I am drinking at least eight 8oz cups of water daily…and if I am in the sun, I usually double that amount of fluid. 

 The benefits of being well hydrated are countless. In addition to helping with skin issues, and headaches plus nasal congestion, it can also help our hearts and circulatory system, increase energy and brain function, lubricate joints and keep muscles relaxed, lower blood sugar, and keep our bodies cleansed from the inside out. Dehydration can be deadly, so keep yourself well hydrated!

<>< Peace, Diane