I Know You Mean Well, But…

So what does it mean to act like a doormat? We all understand the purpose of a physical doormat, right? This object is for everyone who comes into your home to clean their shoes and leave all the outside dirt and grime on it, so that they won’t have to carry it with them any longer.

But too many well meaning people become the doormat for others when others come into their lives, empty out all their “dirt” and just expect that person to clean it all up. And if one has allowed themselves to come to this point, then they quickly assume all responsibility for everyone else’s messes and they say nothing to those others who left it behind. They just take responsibility for it, thinking that they are helping when what they are actually doing is causing problems for everyone involved, including themselves. Again this is NOT what God wants for us.

So a doormat automatically takes responsibility for the problems of others and says nothing to stop this injustice. That last point is actually the difference between whether you are a doormat or not…more tomorrow…

<>< Peace, Diane